Construct a data frame containing the model data, partial residuals for all quantitative predictors, and predictor effects, for use in residual diagnostic plots and other analyses. The result is in tidy form (one row per predictor per observation), allowing it to be easily manipulated for plots and simulations.
partial_residuals(fit, predictors = everything())
- fit
The model to obtain residuals for. This can be a model fit with
, or any model with apredict()
method that accepts anewdata
argument.- predictors
Predictors to calculate partial residuals for. Defaults to all predictors, skipping factors. Predictors can be specified using tidyselect syntax; see
help("language", package = "tidyselect")
and the examples below.
Data frame (tibble) containing the model data and residuals in tidy form. There is one row per selected predictor per observation. All predictors are included as columns, plus the following additional columns:
- .obs
Row number of this observation in the original model data frame.
- .predictor_name
Name of the predictor this row gives the partial residual for.
- .predictor_value
Value of the predictor this row gives the partial residual for.
- .partial_resid
Partial residual for this predictor for this observation.
- .predictor_effect
Predictor effect ˆμ(Xif,0) for this observation.
Predictors and regressors
To define partial residuals, we must distinguish between the predictors, the measured variables we are using to fit our model, and the regressors, which are calculated from them. In a simple linear model, the regressors are equal to the predictors. But in a model with polynomials, splines, or other nonlinear terms, the regressors may be functions of the predictors.
For example, in a regression with a single predictor X, the regression model Y=β0+β1X+e has one regressor, X. But if we choose a polynomial of degree 3, the model is Y=β0+β1X+β2X2+β3X3, and the regressors are {X,X2,X3}.
Similarly, if we have predictors X1 and X2 and form a model with main effects and an interaction, the regressors are {X1,X2,X1X2}.
Partial residuals are defined in terms of the predictors, not the regressors, and are intended to allow us to see the shape of the relationship between a particular predictor and the response, and to compare it to how we have chosen to model it with regressors. Partial residuals are not useful for categorical (factor) predictors, and so these are omitted.
Linear models
Consider a linear model where E[Y∣X=x]=μ(x). The mean function μ(x) is a linear combination of regressors. Let ˆμ be the fitted model and ˆβ0 be its intercept.
Choose a predictor Xf, the focal predictor, to calculate partial residuals for. Write the mean function as μ(Xf,Xo), where Xf is the value of the focal predictor, and Xo represents all other predictors.
If ei is the residual for observation i, the partial residual is
Setting Xo=0 means setting all other numeric predictors to 0; factor predictors are set to their first (baseline) level.
Generalized linear models
Consider a generalized linear model where g(E[Y∣X=x])=μ(x), where g is a link function. Let ˆμ be the fitted model and ˆβ0 be its intercept.
Let ei be the working residual for observation i, defined to be
Choose a predictor Xf, the focal predictor, to calculate partial residuals for. Write μ as μ(Xf,Xo), where Xf is the value of the focal predictor, and Xo represents all other predictors. Hence μ(Xf,Xo) gives the model's prediction on the link scale.
The partial residual is again
In linear regression, because the residuals ei should have mean zero in a well-specified model, plotting the partial residuals against xf should produce a shape matching the modeled relationship μ. If the model is wrong, the partial residuals will appear to deviate from the fitted relationship. Provided the regressors are uncorrelated or approximately linearly related to each other, the plotted trend should approximate the true relationship between xf and the response.
In generalized linear models, this is approximately true if the link function g is approximately linear over the range of observed x values.
Additionally, the function μ(Xf,0) can be used to show the relationship between the focal predictor and the response. In a linear model, the function is linear; with polynomial or spline regressors, it is nonlinear. This function is the predictor effect function, and the estimated predictor effects ˆμ(Xif,0) are included in this function's output.
Factor predictors (as factors, logical, or character vectors) are detected
automatically and omitted. However, if a numeric variable is converted to
factor in the model formula, such as with y ~ factor(x)
, the function
cannot determine the appropriate type and will raise an error. Create factors
as needed in the source data frame before fitting the model to avoid this
R. Dennis Cook (1993). "Exploring Partial Residual Plots", Technometrics, 35:4, 351-362. doi:10.1080/00401706.1993.10485350
Cook, R. Dennis, and Croos-Dabrera, R. (1998). "Partial Residual Plots in Generalized Linear Models." Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, no. 442: 730–39. doi:10.2307/2670123
Fox, J., & Weisberg, S. (2018). "Visualizing Fit and Lack of Fit in Complex Regression Models with Predictor Effect Plots and Partial Residuals." Journal of Statistical Software, 87(9). doi:10.18637/jss.v087.i09
See also
for the related binned residuals;
for a similarly formatted data frame of ordinary
residuals; vignette("linear-regression-diagnostics")
, and
for examples of plotting and
interpreting partial residuals
fit <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp, data = mtcars)
#> # A tibble: 96 × 7
#> cyl disp hp .predictor_name .predictor_value .predictor_effect
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 160 110 cyl 6 -7.36
#> 2 6 160 110 cyl 6 -7.36
#> 3 4 108 93 cyl 4 -4.91
#> 4 6 258 110 cyl 6 -7.36
#> 5 8 360 175 cyl 8 -9.82
#> 6 6 225 105 cyl 6 -7.36
#> 7 8 360 245 cyl 8 -9.82
#> 8 4 147. 62 cyl 4 -4.91
#> 9 4 141. 95 cyl 4 -4.91
#> 10 6 168. 123 cyl 6 -7.36
#> # ℹ 86 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: .partial_resid <dbl>
# You can select predictors with tidyselect syntax:
partial_residuals(fit, c(disp, hp))
#> # A tibble: 64 × 7
#> cyl disp hp .predictor_name .predictor_value .predictor_effect
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 160 110 disp 160 -3.01
#> 2 6 160 110 disp 160 -3.01
#> 3 4 108 93 disp 108 -2.03
#> 4 6 258 110 disp 258 -4.86
#> 5 8 360 175 disp 360 -6.78
#> 6 6 225 105 disp 225 -4.24
#> 7 8 360 245 disp 360 -6.78
#> 8 4 147. 62 disp 147. -2.76
#> 9 4 141. 95 disp 141. -2.65
#> 10 6 168. 123 disp 168. -3.16
#> # ℹ 54 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: .partial_resid <dbl>
# Predictors with multiple regressors are supported:
fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ poly(disp, 2), data = mtcars)
#> # A tibble: 32 × 5
#> disp .predictor_name .predictor_value .predictor_effect .partial_resid
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 160 disp 160 2.11 0.909
#> 2 160 disp 160 2.11 0.909
#> 3 108 disp 108 5.83 2.71
#> 4 258 disp 258 -3.07 1.31
#> 5 360 disp 360 -5.89 -1.39
#> 6 225 disp 225 -1.59 -1.99
#> 7 360 disp 360 -5.89 -5.79
#> 8 147. disp 147. 3.00 4.31
#> 9 141. disp 141. 3.40 2.71
#> 10 168. disp 168. 1.62 -0.891
#> # ℹ 22 more rows
# Allowing an interaction by number of cylinders is fine, but partial
# residuals are not generated for the factor. Notice the factor must be
# created first, not in the model formula:
mtcars$cylinders <- factor(mtcars$cyl)
fit3 <- lm(mpg ~ cylinders * disp + hp, data = mtcars)
#> Factor predictors were dropped:
#> • `cylinders`
#> # A tibble: 64 × 7
#> cylinders disp hp .predictor_name .predictor_value .predictor_effect
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 160 110 disp 160 -20.9
#> 2 6 160 110 disp 160 -20.9
#> 3 4 108 93 disp 108 -14.1
#> 4 6 258 110 disp 258 -33.6
#> 5 8 360 175 disp 360 -46.9
#> 6 6 225 105 disp 225 -29.3
#> 7 8 360 245 disp 360 -46.9
#> 8 4 147. 62 disp 147. -19.1
#> 9 4 141. 95 disp 141. -18.4
#> 10 6 168. 123 disp 168. -21.8
#> # ℹ 54 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: .partial_resid <dbl>